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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 38 years, born on 26 October 1986

Austria, willing to relocate (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia), prepared for business trips

Project manager, Product manager, CTO, CIO

3 000  in hand

  • Product manager
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 12 years 10 months

December 2020March 2021
4 months

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Project Manager
- project management - IT consulting - AGILE, Confluence - business analytics - using of AGILE methodologies to main processes - risk analytics - team management - negotiations with clients - reporting to stakeholders and heads of company
March 2020December 2020
10 months
Privat practice

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

BA, PM, Delivery manager
- project and product management - IT consulting - Delivery management (means delivery manager role as a part of PM) - business analytics - discovery phase of the IT solutions - providing AGILE methodologies to main processes - risk analytics
January 2019March 2020
1 year 3 months
SYNAPSY Mobile Networks GmbH


Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Project Manager
- AGILE management - negotiations with investors and owners - management and organization of the whole process of development of the logistics project software complex - negotiations with руководством\инвесторами on priorities and ways to achieve the objectives - development team management - prioritization and task allocation - contributions to the development process - compliance and application of AGILE process management principles - working with KanBan tables, the principle of approach - Agile Waterfall - Study of client and project requirements; - Formulation of the terms of reference (building models, processes and structures, prototypes of the user interface, scenarios of use); - Risk analysis, analysis of problem areas and suggestions for their improvement; - Building product requirements; - Maintenance of the software development lifecycle; - Interaction with a team of programmers and testers during product development; - Processing large volumes of analytical tasks.
March 2016December 2018
2 years 10 months
AviCreates (Outsourcing of e-commerce and CRM)

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Project manager, development department coordinator
- negotiations with external customers - full communication and dialogue with the client at all stages of development to achieve the desired result - development team workflow organization - development technology selection and recommendation - communication between departments and development teams depending on the task at hand - AGILE (Jira Atlassian): KanBan + Scrum - if necessary - Waterfall use. - record keeping and backlog management - task prioritization and parts of tasks - migration of specialized specialists by destination (within or between projects) - user story keeping, Epic - business analysis (within competence) - project protection on standby - schedule of dates and tasks with an approximate plan. - work for Ukrainian and Western markets - communication in Ukrainian, Russian and English
December 2014March 2016
1 year 4 months
"Slavpeople" (Socially oriented multimedia information portal) (Media)


Art, Culture... Show more

Head of IT department, project administrator
- Managing a development team (frontend, backend, designers, testers) - AGILE management procedures - statement of work - integration of other departments of the company with the development department - development of the primary version of the project management system and its supplement as the project develops - mission statement - project-related ideological work - analytics and implementation of investor and user needs in the project - negotiations with third-party services and partners for integration with the project - work with documents related to integration, partnership (as far as the work of the development department is concerned) - technical documentation and patenting preparation
October 2010January 2015
4 years 4 months
KunKan Studio (IT - software development)


Technical Director, PM
- AGILE management and process guidance - workflow organization - staff management for up to 15 people + contractors and partners - control and training of programmers and layout designers and maintenance of the creation of all software product - customer negotiations (from acquaintance to full project management) - contract signing, document support - working correspondence with clients - IT infrastructure audit, modeling and process improvement and optimization. - consulting on development and implementation of online projects (CRM, online stores and corporate websites). - project support after launch - web site development based on MVC Codeigniter framework - application development (Android, iOS) using the Ionic Framework - adaptive layout - design of systems and sites with Web interface (architecture of MySQL applications and databases) - development of CRM systems of various complexity with the Web interface to order - development consulting - custom development of web projects (not on ready CMS !) for any purposes - custom development of online retailers of any complexity
April 2010September 2010
6 months
Seo Studio (IT Consulting / Services)
Seo programmer
- Optimizing websites for search engines - internal optimization of html code - internal php code optimization - internal optimization of text, text blocks and titles - internal website optimization - generation of unique META tags regardless of the site engine. - optimization of more than 150 sites during the work on the studio (after optimization, some of the sites are already in the TOP 10, TOP 5 and TOP 3).
December 2009April 2010
5 months
MarketGid (Media)
- building sites for advertising software testing and traffic exchange - website development for a company
April 2009September 2009
6 months
AB Creative LLC (Advertising and PR services, Media, TV Shows)


Director of Information Technology, chief developer.
- Development of a multiuser educational portal with Class.ua social network (http://class.ua). - Compilation of TORs - Direct participation in program code development - database architecture development - Software Architecture Development - Synchronization of portal project parts with social network - Globalization of project elements - Localization creation - Leading a team of software developers - mission statement - performance control - testing;
April 2008April 2009
1 year 1 month
LLC NPF Unisystem (Industry and Production)


Software engineer of bank payment systems department
- Technical support of Interplat payment system and its clients - preparation of documents - payment reporting - monitoring and recovery after the breakdown, installation of NSMEP payment system terminals at the Interplat gateway - system information support - creation and support of new projects of the NSMEP system - banking with NSMEP - technical documentation - creation of programs for compilation of payment statistics of the NSMEP system - software testing for the NSMEP system - working with websites of organizations such as: Will-cable, Ukrtelecom, Ukrposhta (in Ukrposhta money transfers, http://perekaz.ukrposhta.com - my makeup and php code implementation). - integration of the software part of the Interplat system into the code of the client's site


Skill proficiency levels
Управление проектами
Web Application Development
Разработка технических заданий
Управление интернет-проектами
Проектирование пользовательских интерфейсов
руководство командой разработчиков
Постановка задач разработчикам
Jetbrains Phpstorm
Управление разработкой
Аналитические исследования
Ведение переговоров
Управление персоналом
Agile Project Management
Организаторские навыки
Project management

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE - adherence to and application of AGILE process management principles - SDLC - Practices with CI\CD\CT - Basic ITSM/ITIL knowledge. - Work with KanBan tables, the principle of approach - Agile Waterfall - Scrum (different roles) - Study of client and project requirements; - Formulation of the terms of reference (building models, processes and structures, prototypes of the user interface, scenarios of use); - Risk analysis, analysis of problem areas and suggestions for their improvement; - Building product requirements; - Maintenance of the software development lifecycle; - Interaction with a team of programmers and testers during product development; - Processing large volumes of analytical tasks. - Windows, *nix (Ubuntu), MS Office, Apache Office, Internet - experienced user - teamwork experience, project support, document preparation - experience in managing the staff, drawing up realistic time frames (work plans) - database architecture and programming - job interviewing - design specification for automation projects - customer negotiations knowledge of programs Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, JetBrains PhpStorm, GitKraken, OpenServer, etc. - GIT operation - proficiency in PHP programming languages, javascript - adaptive layout HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap - MySQL databases - confident knowledge of the CodeIgniter Framework (7 years of experience with it, has some experience with it). - work with AJAX (JQUERY) - easy to learn, sensitive to my work and responsibility. Knowledge of English, Ukrainian, Russian. Ready to move to another country (Canada, EU countries) or work on the principle of contract outsourcing (after quarantine). OTHER: There is a registered IPD in the field of Informatization (3 group without VAT). I have the military rank (junior lieutenant of the reserve). Married, easy to learn, punctual, responsible, purposeful, not used to leave the case unfinished, timely submit projects. Hobbies - music (piano-keyboards, electronic music, electric guitar), cycling (mountain biking on rugged and mountainous terrain, slopes), rollers, bodybuilding. "Suspended tongue".

Higher education

Киевский Государственный Университет Технологий и Дизайна
Информационные технологии (технологии легкой промышленности), Информационные технологии проектирования, компьютерные науки



EnglishC1 — Advanced

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Академия министерства обороны Украины
Военная кафедра, КНУТД, лейтенант запаса (тыловая служба)

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Ukraine

Permission to work: Ukraine

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter