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Мужчина, 41 год, родился 29 июня 1983
Астана, готов к переезду (Австрия, Великобритания, Германия, Испания, Канада, Китай, Малайзия, ОАЭ, Швейцария, Швеция, Южная Корея, Япония), готов к командировкам
- Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день
Опыт работы 19 лет 1 месяц
Сентябрь 2013 — по настоящее время
11 лет 7 месяцев
Dreamline Company Ltd
- to lead, in conjunction with the Board, the development of the Company’s strategy;
- to lead and oversee the implementation of the Company’s long and short term plans in accordance with its strategy;
- to ensure the Company is appropriately organized and staffed and to have the authority to hire and terminate staff as necessary to enable it to achieve the approved strategy;
- to ensure that expenditures of the Company are within the authorized annual budget of the Company;
- to assess the principal risks of the Company and to ensure that these risks are being monitored and managed;
- to ensure effective internal controls and management information systems are in place;
- to ensure that the Company has appropriate systems to enable it to conduct its activities both lawfully and ethically;
- to ensure that the Company maintains high standards of corporate citizenship and social responsibility wherever it does business;
- to communicate effectively with shareholders, employees, Government authorities, other stakeholders and the public;
- to keep abreast of all material undertakings and activities of the Company and all material external factors affecting the Company and to ensure that processes and systems are in place to ensure that the management of the Company are adequately informed;
- to ensure the integrity of all public disclosure by the Company;
- to request that special meetings of the Board be called when appropriate;
- in concert with the Chairman, to determine the date, time and location of the annual meeting of shareholders and to develop the agenda for the meeting;
- to sit on committees of the Board where appropriate as determined by the Board; and
- to abide by specific internally established control systems and authorities, to lead by personal example and encourage all employees to conduct their activities in accordance with all applicable laws and the Company’s standards and policies,including its environmental, safety and health policies.
Июнь 2012 — Август 2013
1 год 3 месяца
Technical Competence Centre DEMEU Ltd
Branch Manager
Branch Manager functions
- Administration
- Efficient daily operation of a full service branch office, including operations, lending, product sales, customer service, and security and safety in accordance with the Company policy
- Provide a superior level of customer relations and promotes the sales and service culture through coaching, guidance and staff motivation
- Achieves individual and branch sales goals through new business sales, referrals and retention of account relationships
- Provides leadership, training and supervision
- Delegates day to day operations to the Operations Officer or other branch personnel.
- Responsible for attaining branch goals through active participation in sales management.
Сентябрь 2011 — Апрель 2013
1 год 8 месяцев
Technical Competence Centre DEMEU Ltd.
Business Developement Manager
- Develop and implement strategies for new products and services
- Determine new opportunities by analyzing business needs
- Provide direction, guidance to the department to ensure alignment with the Company’s strategies
- Increase the company’s involvement with existing client
- Develop and manage client communication tools such as the corporate website
- Pro-actively hunt for target organizations and establish communications with those businesses that can benefit from our Company’s services
- Further develop multi-tier relationships to organically grow the clients’ accounts
- Build referral and lead generation network
- Develop the corporate brand strategy
- Develop and manage marketing tools and collateral for existing and new clients
- Forecast long and short-range market potential in the CIS for Management’s analysis
- Adopt a hands-on approach in monitoring the implementation and execution of marketing programs
Январь 2010 — Сентябрь 2011
1 год 9 месяцев
Technical Competence Centre DEMEU Ltd.
«Technical Competence Centre DEMEU» Ltd. has been functioning at the IT market since February, 2007.
Policy of “Technical Competence Centre DEMEU” Ltd. in the sphere of technical support and technical maintenance of carriers, computer, office equipment and IMS is full satisfaction of present and possible needs of clients on the basis of high quality of production and its competitive capacity, steady development and winning of recognition by means of exceptionally positive business reputation.
Main customers JSC “NC “KazMunaiGaz, JSC “EP “KazMunaiGaz”, JSC “Intergas Central Asia”, JSC “KazTransOil”, JSC “Kazakhstan Railways”
- Responsible for Enterprise Service client-facing sales
- Responsible for managing of sales team and attaining the service sales according to approved annual quota
- Responsible for building Customer relationships with BDMs/TDMs
- Strategic sales planning (e.g. Develop a plan for coverage of the market in 2011 by the branches (banks, oil and industrial companies, Development of staff appraisal system in terms of customer orientation on internal and external customers)
- Providing sales growth for the last period by 35%
- Improving the effectiveness of contracts of oil, gas and railway sectors (EPG)
Май 2009 — Декабрь 2009
8 месяцев
Sales specialist
Founded in 1998, LLP "Bimash" is one of the few domestic companies, providing a wide range of IT-services such as:
- Establishment and maintenance of information systems
- Integration of dissimilar systems
- IT Consulting
Main customers JSC “KazTransOil”, JSC “Kazakhstan Railways” (EPG), Retail Stores (SMB)
- Selling and after-sales maintenance of Software solutions like IBM Tivoli Monitoring software solution,
- Preparing of tender documentation/participation in web-portal public procurement
- IBM hardware sales
- Creation of direct strategic relationships with senior decision makers
- Customer’s IT infrastructure analysis
Февраль 2008 — Февраль 2009
1 год 1 месяц
Softline Direct, LLC/AXOFT, LLC (Microsoft software distributor, FG)
Regional manager, Astana city
Software licenses are a strategic asset of any company, the management thereof requires an expert approach. Software licensing and sales is a major specialization of Softline company. Moreover, Softline offers a complete package of additional services concerning the effective use of software products: training of IT-specialists in the Authorized Softline Training Centre, technical and legal support,consulting, outsourcing and other services. Softline supports a range of web-projects, manages its own internet-TV-channel, as well as invests funds into perspective software vendors by means of Softline Venture Partners venture fund.
Main customers JSC “NC “KazMunaiGaz, JSC “EP “KazMunaiGaz”, JSC “Intergas Central Asia”, JSC “KazTransOil”, JSC “Kazakhstan Railways” (EPG), Retail stores (SMB)
- Enterprise Service client-facing sales
- Regional sales planning (central, north)
- Responsible for attaining the service sales according to approved annual quota
- Responsible for building Customer relationships with BDMs/TDMs
- Customer’s IT infrastructure analysis
- Designing specification of requirements
- Partner accompanying
- Organization of marketing and learning measures
- Identification and establishment of contractual relationships with new key Resellers within region
- Report on activities and results on a weekly/monthly/quarterly/semiannual/annual basis
Февраль 2005 — Февраль 2007
2 года 1 месяц
Kazhimcomplekt, LLC (branch GMGR plant)
Import/Export specialist
Feb 2006 - Feb 2007 – import/export department senior specialist
Jun 2005 – import/export bureau senior specialist
Feb 2005 – import/export mspecialist
About the company
The Company is the unique for Kazakhstan and Central Asia developer, manufacturer and supplier of a wide spectrum of rubber-technical goods for mining, metallurgical, machine-building, chemical, process industry and agriculture for the countries of near and far abroad.
Main customers JSC Mittal Steel Temirtau, KUZBAS company (EPG)
- Finding the best suppliers which meet company needs in raw materials for producing rubber goods
- Preparing documentation for making a contracts
Work experience in South-eastern Asia (China), Far East (UAE, Iran)
Experience in negotiating, contracting, monitoring and supply of chemical raw materials
Обо мне
Высшее образование
Karagandinskij Gosudarstvennyj Tehnièeskij Universitet
Faculty of Information technology, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), System Engineering
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения