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Male, 51 year, born on 9 November 1973

Not looking for a job

Moscow, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, USA, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden), prepared for business trips

CFO, Finance Director/Deputy Finance Director/COO

  • Financial manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 26 years 8 months

January 2020currently
5 years 3 months
Project Finance Services
CFO outsourcing service.
Preparation and approval of project financing at the preliminary stage for the construction project of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Strigino «Agrocluster Food City») in Sberbank. The approved amount is 2,6 billion Roubles. Preparation and approval of project financing at the preliminary stage for a residential construction project in the city of Ufa through Sberbank about the residential complex "Suvorovo". The approved amount is 0,7 billion Roubles. Preparation and provision to shareholders of a financial model for the construction of residential complex "Presidential" in the city of Lytkarino, Moscow region of 9 buildings. Processing and wide finsncial anslysis of about 70 construction estimates and acts of acceptance and deliveried works on already built buildings in order to form and confirm the cost of construction. Coordination and further steps for cost optimization. Preparation and coordination for project financing approval in the amount of 4,5 billion Roubles. Coordination and regular up-date of investment budget for construction of residential objects "Nekrasovo" in Reutov of Moscow region.
May 2019January 2020
9 months
Barkli Corporation
Deputy Financial Director (the company was reorganized and the positions of deputies of all departments were abolished)
Direct supervision of finance, accounting and investment team: 14 employees Indirect supervision of inter departments: 10 employees Financial management of construction projects of residential: Barkli Medovaya Dolina, Barkli Gallery, Barkli Residence, Avtozavodszkaya (ZIL), Nagatinskaya. 1. Coordinated and controlled of Financial Managers, Treasury, and Accounting in terms of statutory and managerial accounts, planning and cash outflow by construction projects. Cash flow management by projects. 2. Implemented Tax risks assessment in respect of construction projects. 3. Coordinated and controlled the construction departments in terms of internal procedures and budget key indicators. 4. Regular defense the projects to meet KPIs by projects in front of Shareholders. Appraisal score of ROI, ROS, EBITDA, Net profit of projects, decision making to meet key indicators of costs of construction. 5. Attraction of credit funds for construction projects. Regular defense the investment project “Medovaya Dolina” in front of Sberbank of Russia. 6. Control under preparation and analysis of construction reporting by all projects, including for State authorities. Critical view to results of accumulated construction registers to ensure budget limits of projects are observed. 7. Control of planned constructions costs according to projects’ declarations and construction budgets.
October 2018April 2019
7 months
Kalinka Group Real Estate

Moscow, www.kalinka-realty.ru

CFO (temporary project for the period of maternity leave)
Direct supervision of finance team - 5 employees Indirect supervision of inter departments - 20 employees Reaches results: 1. Improved of Budget policy and implementation of budget process on a more high level. 2. Improved of management reporting process which is more structured for analysis of Business units developments. Restored management Group Balance for the last 2 years. 3. Improved of cash management and debtors’ control. 4. Made assessment of finance department scope of work and optimize certain fields of accounting and reporting. 5. Management of set up the new direction which is potential JV International project and Private Investments. 6. Set up of investments’ projects appraisal methods in elite Residential Moscow and International markets.
January 2016October 2018
2 years 10 months
Joint Stock Company Knight Frank

Russia, www.kfexpert.ru

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Chief Financial Officer
Direct supervision: Finance & accounting teams KF Moscow, KF Saint Petersburg, KF Property management, KF Cyprus - 14 employees. Indirect supervision of inter-departments in terms of finance and accounting discipline - 20 employees Reached results: 1. Successful finance department restructure. Critical view on scope of work in Finance and Accounting in terms of management and IFRS reporting targets, budget preparations and internal business processes 2. Increase of quality control under tax risks of Russian and Cyprus subsidiaries 3. Improved the efficiency of the planning process of daily cash flow in short-term and long-term periods. 4. Successful improvement of management reporting quality of consolidated financial statements, including subsidiaries in Cyprus. Non-qualified audit reports approved by KPMG based on IFRS. 5. Realized methods and financial modeling to identify threats and efficiency of business divisions performance and each consultant in terms of gross margin indicators. 6. Implementation of budget costs' control and making necessary steps for costs' savings in terms of real estate market fluctuations. Regular identification of break even point of the business. 7. Successful implementation of Budget policy and procedures for Budget approval in front of shareholders. It was created the system of rolling forecast of the whole Group. 8. Realized contribution in M&A process with new shareholder.
November 2009October 2015
6 years
ECE Russland

Russia, www.ece.com

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Finance Director
Direct supervision of finance and client accounting teams (14 employees). Indirect supervision of inter departments in terms of finance discipline - 20 employees Reached results: 1. Successful defense of investment projects for construction of Aura (Yaroslavl) and Volga Mall (Togliatti) for Deutche Bank to get financing. 2. Start-up and quality control of development and construction projects in Yaroslavl (Aura) and Togliatti (Volga Mall) after the projects were approved and financed by several phases according to the schedule. Financial and accounting control of Good Zone SC construction (owned by Immofinanz) as a rendering service for pre-opening stage. 3. Successful takeover of Shopping centers Vremena Goda, Dream House (Moscow) and Aura (Yaroslavl) and coordination on pre-opening stage of Good Zone. 4. In terms of financial management of Shopping centers set up and structuring of business processes and controlling internal procedures, implemented different IT solutions (1C 7.7, 8.2, 8.3 and SAP R3), increase of finance discipline with inter departments. It was created different levels of management reporting (US GAAP, IFRS, Canadian GAAP, Austrian GAAP and German GAAP) and financial KPIs systems. Set up and implemented of efficient budget policies for regular budgeting and rolling forecasting processes. 5. It was provided for shareholders regular support and advice based on financial KPIs, including investments’ appraisal, impact of NOI on operational business activities and performance of finance strategy. It was implemented tough regular control of budget costs. 6. All annual audits of ECE Russland and Shopping centers under management have non-qualified audit opinions of BIG FOUR and for Vremena Goda including tax audit. 7. In terms of development was one of the key roles in the success of negotiations with existing and potential Investors for management contracts’ signing of Vremena Goda, Dream House, Aura, Yaroslavl, Good Zone Shopping centers. In addition, contribution of significant part in negotiations of land plots disposal to Sellers and with tenants in Shopping centers. 8. M&A successful process coordination in terms of shares’ selling of ECE Russland and Shopping centers which was allowed to complete the deals on time. Defended investment projects in front of Sberbank Russia of Vremena Goda SC shares’ selling. 9. In terms of development projects (construction of shopping centers), it was performed successful process coordination and leading of VAT refund for work in progress in the amount MEUR .5.0. It was included handle of sessions in Tax authorities and Court cases to argue and proof facts of business activities done by object companies in period of building permit certificates receiving. 10. It was implemented efficient system of financial and accounting staff performance appraisal in terms of permanent changes of expectations and requirements of owners of ECE and Shopping centers. 11. Successful collaboration with ECE Finance community of international subsidiaries for implementation and standardization of business processes of ECE group (including countries where ECE has shopping centers under management).
July 2007October 2009
2 years 4 months
L'occitane RUS LLC (Joint Venture with Russian partner)

Moscow, www.loccitane.com

Retail... Show more

Retail chain in Moscow and in Regions, plus wholesale business Direct supervision (Finance, IT, Logistic) - 25 employees Indirect supervision of inter departments - over Reached results: 1. Performed M&A with French partner who is the owner of L’occitane Group and established Joint Venture. 2. Implemented the system of financial KPIs. Set up effective control of financial results to distinguish main key indicators of sales channels. It was implemented gross margin analysis control to increase efficiency of decision-making process in terms of prices’ and discounts’ policy. 3. Creation of strict control system of budgets’ deviation in retail network -implemented price policy, and budget policy for the Company 4. Internal controlling procedures were implemented for inventory movement at warehouses and in stocks of stores. Systematization of internal audit processes of stores. 5. Increased significantly control of inventory purchase planning, including minimization of surplus of non-liquid cosmetic and perfume products. Minimization of shortages. 6. Efficient anti-crisis management of currency risks and overall business in period 2008-2009. 7. Performed maximum customizations of IT systems and processes between cash terminals, logistic and accounting
August 2006July 2007
1 year
NMS s.a. LLC (Joint Venture with Russian partner)


FMCG (non-edible)... Show more

Moscow Production of decorative materials for repairing and interior finishing Direct supervision of finance team - 10 employees Indirect supervision of inter departmenst - 11 employees Reached results: 1. Management reporting optimization in terms of more precise planning and control of cost production. Ensured regular advises and recommendations for shareholders to adjust finance strategy based on actual financial results and sales development perspective. 2. Created internal controlling system at the plant. As a result, increase of cost production process control. Develop further controlling standards for return on production investments. 3. Significant improvement of inter departments collaboration and therefore more efficient planning of orders at the production, speed up of customer service processes. Increase of more strict control under budget processes. 4. Increase of inventory control system from the point of purchase planning and stock units at warehouses. It was implemented system of non-liquid inventory control to make decisions for utilization. 5. Regular negotiations with Russian partner for change of JV shares’ costs, including land plot appraisal which was belong to mentioned shareholder. 6. Performed full cycle of construction process control for the road building of entrance distance to the warehouse
August 2004August 2006
2 years 1 month
WILO RUS LLC (100% Germany)


Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Finance Director
Pump Equipment for water, sewage and heating supply. Production assembly line for household pumps (22 branches). Direct supervision of finance and accounting and warehouse staff in regional offices (27 employees). Indirect supervision of iner departments - 6 employees Reached results 1. Successfully implemented internal controlling procedures for inventory movement, including at regional warehouses. Improved inventory processes based on developed customization of Navision system and intensive control. 2. Implemented effective system of credit limits’ approval for customers based on customization of Navision system. 3. Improved cost production control in respect of sales channels and created system of standard cost for opened production assembly line of pump equipment. 4. Put on a more high-level structuring of internal processes using the tool of Navision system via efficient interconnection of data between different modules. 5. Structures planning and forecasting processes to ensure accurate approach and detailed analysis. Improved management reporting system from the point of Navision customization and simplification of preparation processes. 6. Systemized process of annual results, budgets and regular forecasts processes to defense it in front of shareholder and Top management at HQ. 7. Successful common collaboration with Finance Directors of other international subsidiaries of Europe for corporate standardization taken into account specifics of each country.
July 2001July 2004
3 years 1 month
Carl Zeiss LLC (100% Germany)

Moscow, carl.zeiss.com

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Finance Director
Eyeglasses, Medical equipment, Microscope for laboratory search, Measurement and test equipment Direct supervision of accounting, finance, including branch in Uzbekistan (8 employees). Indirect supervision of inter-departments (16 employees). Reached results: 1. Realized solutions for anti-crisis measures. Consequently it was reached break-even results in the first financial year and significant increase of profitability of overall business and within each business divisions. 2. Performed measures done: inventory movement planning and control based on the analysis of demand and turnover ratios of positions of medical equipment and eyeglasses; improvement of inventory liquidity control via minimization of non-liquid positions; creation of financial models to oversee sales on returns indicators in terms of sales volumes and development; efficient control of direct and indirect costs which had an impact on financial results. 3. Improved significantly and put on a more high and visible level local management reporting for decision making process based on IFRS and German GAAP. 4. Successful implementation of budget standards, credit policy, price policy, internal business process which were supporting as a result to define Sales strategy for each type of selling products and grouped business divisions.
March 1998March 2001
3 years 1 month
IVAX Corp. (USA) - Reprentative offices of Norton Healthcare (UK) and Galena a.s. (Czech Republic) subsidiaries

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacies... Show more

Financial controller/Chief accountant
Pharmaceutical business in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan Direct supervision of finance and accounting team (6 employees). Indirect supervision of medical representatives. Reached results: 1. Implementation and further development of Scala ERP system 2. Successful implementation of analytic management reporting for proper business analysis by profit centers 3. Successful implementation of standards of expenses control for medical representatives in Russian regions

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Software Windows XP, Windows 2010, MS office 2010 on professional level , Lotus Notes, Dosc Open, Certificate of Scala administrator, Navision Attain, 1C-7.7, 1C-8.0, 1C 8.2, 1C 8.3, SAP R3, Safran (French financial system), IMS (German system for contract database) Personnel Good business and team player, multifunctional skills to lead several projects simultaneously, striving for proactive actions in business development of a company, skills to manage priorities of targets and tasks, willingness to react for issues in constructive way, successful experience in management of people via productive estimation processes and procedures and use it for the basis of effective motivation systems, work under pressure and in stress situations.

Higher education

Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov
Business Administration, Finance and credits



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Leadership development training
ECE Projektmanagement GmBH, Developed Leadership skills based on MBA programm
Open University of Great Britain
MBA program, (Financial Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Human Resources, Change management)

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter