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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 48 years, born on 1 December 1976

Not looking for a job

Saint Petersburg, metro station Komendantskiy Prospekt, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Palestine, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ghana, USA, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified


  • Teacher, educator

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 19 years 7 months

September 2023currently
1 year 7 months

Saint Petersburg, chicaga.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

English teacher
The primary duties include planning and delivering English language lessons, assessing students' language proficiency, adapting teaching methods to diverse learning styles, and creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment. To develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while promoting cultural understanding and effective communication in English.
August 2018currently
6 years 8 months
Insight International Primary School

Russia, www.insightschool.ru/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Elementary school teacher
- teaching all areas of the primary curriculum; - taking responsibility for the progress of a class of pupils; - organising the classroom and learning resources and creating -- - displays to encourage a positive learning environment; - planning, preparing and presenting lessons that cater for the needs of the whole ability range within the class; - motivating pupils with enthusiastic, imaginative presentation; maintaining discipline; - preparing and marking work to facilitate positive pupil development; - meeting requirements for the assessment and recording of pupils' development; - providing feedback to parents and carers on a pupil's progress at parents' evenings and other meetings
June 2022May 2023
1 year
Dhaka International University

Bangladesh, diu.ac/

Educational Institutions... Show more

Faculty Member
Teaching Development Studies Bangladesh Studies Teaching global poverty and inequality and how to tackle them To prepare students on how to develop multidisciplinary skills as students of Development Studies and to facilitate their acquisition of strong skills in creative problem solving, research and communication. To teach them to study contemporary problems arising out of disparities between people and nations and cultural, economic and environmental changes.
June 2018July 2018
2 months
ЦИТРУС, Абакус-центр, Кронштадт

Russia, vk.com/citrus.deti.kron

Educational Institutions... Show more

English teacher
Developing lesson plans which meet established the school preparing and developing teaching materials, teaching Managing the attainment, progress and outcomes of pupils’ Provides a safe, positive learning environment for students
 Manages the diverse ability levels of students
 Providing a safe, positive learning environment for students Maintains order and discipline among students Attends in school meetings on curriculum, organisation, and guidelines
February 2016March 2018
2 years 2 months

Bangladesh, www.facebook.com/TESOLBANGLADESH/

Educational Institutions... Show more

English Teacher & Trainer
- Corporate Training - Spoken English & Phonetics Teaching - Academic & Business English Trainer - IELTS Course Instructor
January 2015November 2015
11 months
ASM Recruitment


Business Services... Show more

Human Resource Coordinator
To effectively recruit, induct, lead to maintain procedures and standards. To ensure the effective management of all employees and to ensure adequate staffing levels throughout the business. To give support to staff so they have the opportunity to develop their skills in the role and to achieve growth in sales. Answers staff questions about wages, deductions, attendance, and time records Receives and coordinates requests for leave and other absences Handles changes in exemptions, job status, and job titles Identifies, investigates, and resolves discrepancies in timesheet and payroll records
January 2013July 2014
1 year 7 months
Marks & Spencer United Kingdom


Retail... Show more

Customer Assistant
Greeting customers who enter the shop.
 Be involved in stock control and management.
 Answering queries from customers & Assisting shoppers to find the goods and products they are looking for.
 Being responsible for processing cash and card payments.
 Stocking shelves with merchandise.
 Reporting discrepancies and problems to the supervisor.
 Giving advice and guidance on product selection to customers.
 Balancing cash registers with receipts& dealing with customer refunds. Responsible dealing with customer complaints.
 Working within established guidelines, particularly with brands.
 Attaching price tags to merchandise on the shop floor.
 Responsible for security within the store and being on the lookout for shoplifters and fraudulent credit cards etc.
 Receiving and storing the delivery of large amounts of stock
 Keeping up to date with special promotions and putting up displays.
October 2012December 2012
3 months
Berjaya Eden Park Hotel


Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Primary responsibilities include: registering guests, making and modifying reservations, hotel operator, and concierge duties.
January 2011September 2012
1 year 9 months
Summerfield School

Bangladesh, www.summerfield-school.com

Educational Institutions... Show more

Planning, preparing and delivering lessons to all students in the class; marking & Assessment Using class resources effectively Monitoring & Developing individual students, assessing skills & knowledge through tests & assignments Communicating with parents & administrative staff & contributing to school events and arranging school’s cultural events Teaching according to the educational needs, abilities and achievement of the individual students and groups of students Adopting and working towards the implementation of the school development plan of the particular school they are giving service.
August 2006October 2011
5 years 3 months
BAF Shaheen English Medium School

Bangladesh, bafsems.edu.bd

Educational Institutions... Show more

Teaching Coordinator
Assigning work, correcting and marking work carried out by his/her students; Marking & Assessment, planning, preparing and delivering lessons to all students in the class; Teaching according to the educational needs, abilities and achievement of the individual students and groups of students Providing or contributing to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to individual students or groups of students; Participating in arrangements within an agreed national framework for the appraisal of students’ performance; Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual students, groups of students or class entrusted to him/her; Providing guidance and advice to students on educational and social matters and on their further education and future careers; providing information on sources of more expert advice;
December 2004July 2006
1 year 8 months
LafargeHolcim Bangladesh Limited

Bangladesh, www.lafargeholcim.com.bd/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Administrative assistant
Processing utility bills, Lease rent, Invoice Tracking, Cheque Disbursement, Maintaining Personal Files/Office records, Petty cash, Arrangement of petty purchase, Entertainment, Drafting etc.


Skill proficiency levels
Academic & Business English
Administration Management
Human Resources Management
MS PowerPoint
Sales Management
Project management
MS Outlook
Start-up project
Sales Skills
Negotiation skills
MS Internet Explorer

About me

Self-Confident, independent and positive. Able to work efficiently under pressure and on deadline. Open minded adapting a new and challenging situation. Ability to work in a team and maintain effective communication. Willing to accept responsibility and perform accordingly.


Higher education (master)

ITMO University
Masters in Art and Science, Art and Science
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS)
Russian Language Department, Russian Language and Literature
London South Bank University
Arts & Human Science, Development Studies & Urbanisation
Dhaka International University
Business, MBA in Human Resource Management
Asian University of Bangladesh
Business, BBA in Business Administration
Eden University College
Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities
Mathbaria Govt. College
Humanities, Higher Secondary School Certificate
Hatem Ali Girls' Highschool, Mathbaria
Humanities , Secondary School Certificate



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

HindiA1 — Basic

RussianA1 — Basic

UrduA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Cambridge Assessment English, Exploring the world of English Language Teaching
Managing Behaviour for Learning
National STEM Learning Centre, Managing Pupils Behaviour for Learning
The Art of Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners.
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Conceptualise the teaching of languages to young learners as an art.
Teaching for Success
British Council, The classroom & the world
The Right to Education: Breaking Down the Barriers.
University of Glasgow, The Right to Education
Customer Care & Telemarketing Course
Times ASL Call Centre Bangladesh, Time Management, Customer Care, Tele Marketing Administrative & HR etc

Tests, examinations

IELTS | Cambridge University Press Test under British Council, International English Language Testing System

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Bangladesh

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour