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Мужчина, 37 лет, родился 23 февраля 1988
Иваново (Ивановская область), хочу переехать (Австралия, Австрия, Германия, Греция, Исландия, Испания, Италия, Канада, Кипр, Нидерланды, США, Санкт-Петербург, Франция, Чехия, Швейцария), готов к командировкам
Youth Staff
1 500 $ на руки
- Переводчик
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, стажировка
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график
Опыт работы 6 лет 8 месяцев
Сентябрь 2014 — Апрель 2021
6 лет 8 месяцев
Municipal Education Institution “Secondary School №4” of Ivanovo city
Invited guest
I held 56 seminars in English for pupils in years 2-11 (ages 8-18) in the following topic “The secret of learning foreign languages while travelling”.
Октябрь 2019 — Октябрь 2019
1 месяц
Municipal Education Institution “Secondary School №1” of Ivanovo city
Invited guest
The administration of school invited me to a meeting with children, where I shared my experience of traveling, in particular, in South America and the US.
Июнь 2017 — Октябрь 2019
2 года 5 месяцев
“Unium” Camps
Counselor of the camp / Teacher
Responsibilities and duties:
• Teaching different professions and knowledge: spoken English, blogging, web designer, financial analyst, Internet marketer, producer, pharmacist
• Escort and oversee children
• Create daily schedules taking into account children’s age groups and interests
• Plan outdoor activities or sports for campers
• Educate campers through games and explorations
• Greeting parents and guardians
• Working with other camp staff members to plan and coordinate camp events
• Cleaning, maintaining and ensuring proper use of camp facilities and equipment
• Make sure all safety rules are followed
Октябрь 2016 — Октябрь 2019
3 года 1 месяц
The Center for further education “Unium”
Teacher of computer courses and English
Responsibilities and duties:
• Planning, preparing and delivering lessons to a range of classes
• Adaptation of methods of teaching to the needs of individual children
• Keeping parents and carers updated about their child's progress
• Developed trust and rapport with children and their families
Июль 2018 — Август 2018
2 месяца
International Camp “YMCA”, Germany
Counselor of the camp
Responsibilities and duties:
• Escort and oversee children
• Assistance in learning the English language
• Plan events, outdoor activities or sports for campers
• Educate campers through games and explorations
• Working with other camp staff members to plan and coordinate camp events
• Make sure all safety rules are followed
Сентябрь 2017 — Май 2018
9 месяцев
Municipal Education Institution “Secondary School №1” of Komsomolsk city
Invited guest
I held several seminars for children, where I talked about the peculiarities of different countries, the secrets of how to learn and speak English.
Декабрь 2017 — Декабрь 2017
1 месяц
The Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile
The international guest
11 students defended their examination projects in English. The topic of the projects were economics, IT, modern medicine and others. My job was to talk about the projects and ask students questions.
Февраль 2017 — Апрель 2017
3 месяца
All-Russian competition of teachers
I made it to the 1/4 finals. For passing at each stage it was necessary to pass the test correctly, make a lesson plan and record it on video.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Права категории B
Обо мне
I feel that my greatest strengths are my ability to understand and meet the needs of individual children and families. Having a clear understanding of the importance of confidentiality and being able to provide a stimulating, caring and consistent environment for children.
Высшее образование
Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
Specialist of Information systems and technology
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
The Center for further education
Work with motivation of children
The Center for further education
Development of emotional intelligence
The Center for further education
Increasing interest in learning
The Center for further education
The canadian method “BOPPPS”
The Center for further education
Gamification in modern education
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Россия
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения