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Мужчина, 23 года, родился 21 декабря 2001
Активно ищет работу
ЮАР, хочу переехать (Австралия, Австрия, США, Центральноафриканская Республика), готов к командировкам
Senior / Team Lead Backend Engineer
5 000 € на руки
- Программист, разработчик
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: удаленная работа
Опыт работы 7 лет
Март 2022 — по настоящее время
3 года 1 месяц
Moonshine Digital SRL
Senior / Team Lead Backend Engineer
Achieved: Developed a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) microservice for user roles and
policy management across all microservices, enhancing platform security and compliance.
Rust Blockchain Project
• Developed a custom token creation system using Rust.
• Implemented smart contract logic for token issuance and management.
• Interacted with the Solana blockchain to deploy and test token transactions.
Crypto exchange platform (www.quickex.io)
• Involved in the developing micro services in Golang.
• Supervise team of 7 engineers across different countries and 5 time zones
• Developed microservice architecture currently supporting 3 products.
• Interact with tron, etherium and other blockchain ecosystems.
• Interact with crypto exchanges APIs (Binance, KuCoin, Coinbase, etc)
• Involved in maintaining smarts contracts in Solidity
• Involved in writing RBAC micro service for maintaining user roles and policies across all mircro
B2B CRM for clinics (www.sxope.com)
• Involved in developing API applications with DDD + CQRS design patterns.
• Participated in development with K8S and configuring pods for needs.
• Involved in managing Google Cloud infrastructure
• Took part in developing backend for mobile applications in PHP
• Worked with ANTLR 4 to parse the code. Create/fix grammar files (.g4) to update c# grammar up
to 9.0 version.
• Worked with Firebase Messaging/APNS for mobile apps (mostly iOS)
• Involved in testing frontend via Cypress
• Managed queues via RabbitMq
• Dealt with react/python projects which was a new technology for me.
• Took part in integration neural networks in python
• Involved in managing droplets via DigitalOcean
Июль 2021 — Март 2022
9 месяцев
ИП Куницын В В
Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще
Middle Backend Engineer
B2B portal for gas and oil company (www.irkutskoil.ru)
• Involved in the development of web portal with lots of legacy code
• Involved in rewriting monolith platform into Python micro services.
• Developed new modules with lots calculations and graphics
• Implemented the ORM classes instead of multiline queries which improved code’s readability
• Integrated a tab management system which simplified adding new tabs with certain fields and
• Fixed critical bugs that crushed the portal
• Involved in developing golang micro services for web scrapping
Январь 2018 — Март 2021
3 года 3 месяца
Ооо снатап
Full Stack Developer
B2C application for influencers (www.fanzoone.com)
• Add parsing microservices in python.
• Add integration with social media like Facebook and Instagram
• Involved in working with payment gateways
• Involved in developing API for mobile applications
• Involved in maintaining E-commerce applications written in PHP
• Involved in developing backend APIs for mobile applications
• Writing new features according to tasks
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Experienced backend engineer with 6+ years in building scalable microservices and
managing cloud infrastructure for high-demand applications. Skilled in Golang, PHP,
Rust, AWS, and CI/CD, with a strong background in crypto, fintech, and b. Proven
ability to lead international teams, transform legacy systems, and implement secure,
efficient solutions in fast-paced environments.
Среднее образование
Знание языков
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Россия
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения