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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 8 февраля 1986

Алматы, готов к переезду (Австрия, Германия, Россия, Швейцария), готов к командировкам

Head of Department / Head of Sales Department / Commercial Director

4 000 $ на руки

  • Менеджер по продажам, менеджер по работе с клиентами

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 19 лет 7 месяцев

Декабрь 2007по настоящее время
17 лет 4 месяца
"Central Asian Office of Management and Consulting"

Алматы, www.caomic.kz

commercial director / a management consultant
Main functions (commercial director): • developing of goals and strategies for the company for a year, three years; • the organization of work of the company according to the chosen strategy; • improving a company's image in the market; • constant increase of the customer base; • attracting the best specialists from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in the company's projects; • supervision of consulting projects. Accomplishments: • under my control there was implemented three long-term project: for restaurants, hotels and shops, that enabled to raise the company's profits on their duration. • completed more than 40 projects of various degrees of complexity; • reached an agreement on cooperation with leading consulting companies of Russia and Ukraine; Main functions (a management consultant): • conducting meetings with company executives; • developing and implementing of consulting projects, both individually and in project groups; • developing and implementing of training programs. Accomplishments: Personally realized projects: • Representative office of the company “Mega-F” Individual sales training course «School of the sales manager» Developer of the course, trainer, Almaty city www.mega-f.ru • Network of language translation offices «PEREVOD-Express» The project on start and development of own business in Almaty. Founder, Almaty, 2012. www.e-perevod.kz • «Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan» JSC Training for heads of «Halyk-Life» branches Developer of the course, trainer, Almaty, 2011. www.halykbank.kz • «PULSER» LLP. Trade-service company. The project "Implementation of the system of employee motivation" The project "Corporate Code and the standards of service" Training "Service - as a basis for the company's image" The project developer, consultant, Almaty, 2011 www.pulser.kz • Confectionery «RAKHAT» JSC. Production distribution company. "The sales representative – effective sales" Developer of the course, trainer, Almaty, 2011. www.rakhat.kz • «Alem Prifil» LLP. Trade-service company. Training «Sales in operations» Developer of the course, trainer, Almaty, 2011. www.wintech.kz • « Shygyspromkomplekt»LLP. Distribution company The project "Organizational diagnostics of company’s activity. Development of the plan solving current problems" The project " Strategy development, the development of competitive advantage " Developer of the course, consultant, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 2011 www.7z.kz • «Italcolours Central Asia» LLP. Distribution company The project "Analysis of the current situation, identifying possible risks for the company" The project "Development of the Company's growth strategy" Developer of the course, consultant, Almaty, 2010 www.selective-professional.kz Within the professional activity, took part in the projects on training and organizational development, with partners, in companies such as: "Almaty Margarine Plant" JSC "Karaganda Margarine Plant" JSC Confectionary JSC "Rakhat" "BAKHUS" JSC "Food Master Trade Company" LLP "First Brewery" JSC "Maslodel" LLP "UNIMILK Kazakhstan" LLP Group of companies "Asem-Ai" "VITA" Production Holding "OBIS" LLP "Al-Assad" LLP "Biscuit-Sauda" LLP "Pact" LLP The group of companies "BAKHTIYAR" "SANTO" LLP "PanRharma" LLP "Oleary Pharma" LLP (Janssen-Cilag) "Nizhpharm-Kazakhstan" LLP "Ak-Niet"LLP "Alliance Finance" LLP "Assorti" Restaurant chain "Kazkommertsbank" JSC "Kaztranscom" and others.
Июнь 2006Декабрь 2007
1 год 7 месяцев
«TechnoPlus Ltd.» LLP, a group of companies «IBS Group» (www.technoplus.kz)

Алматы, www.technoplus.kz

Equipment sales manager of Konica Minolta
Main functions: • increase in base of clients of the company; • implementation of the sales plan; • organization and carrying out personal meetings and group presentations for corporate clients; • conclusion of contracts and organization of process of their realization; • development and implementation of campaigns to promote products. Accomplishments: • Konica Minolta equipment is allocated in a separate direction of the company; • Konica Minolta supplied to several major clients, having forced out competitors; • the constant gain of sales of the equipment Konica Minolta for the last quarters is provided by adjustment of business connections, development of new sales channels and carrying out advertising campaigns;
Сентябрь 2005Июнь 2006
10 месяцев
AO «TNS Plus» (2Day Telecom)

Алматы, www.2day.kz

engineer of department of service and installation
Main functions: • planning and installation of ground satellite stations across regions (telephony, internet, organization allocated satellite channel); • Service of ground satellite stations;

Обо мне

Presentable appearance, a high level of communication skills, skills in conducting meetings of any level and public speaking, managerial skills, the ability to organize independently the time and work of subordinates, a comprehensive understanding of the processes in the company, analytical thinking, the willingness to take responsibility for the result.


Высшее образование

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow city (Russia)
«School for Management Consultants» (www.smc.ane.ru), Management Consultant (diploma with honors)
«Kazakh-American University» (www.kau.kz), Almaty (Kazakhstan)
radio electronics and telecommunications, engineer
«Almaty College of Communication under the Kazakh-American University» (www.kau.kz), Almaty (Kazakhstan)
radio communication, broadcasting and television, Radio Technician

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

КазахскийA1 — Начальный

НемецкийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

«Innovations in management»
Society «GIZ» (www.giz.de)
«Lean Manufacturing (Kaizen)
The program «BAS» (www.basp.biz)
«Distribution in practice»
Consulting company «Business-Harmony» (www.kpd.ua)
The program «European experience in business management»
Educational center «EABW» (www.eabw.org), Reutlingen city, Germany
Professional traineeship: «A study of the development experience of European organizations»
Consulting company «ILTIS» (www.iltis.de), Rottenburg-am-Neckar, Germany
«The management aimed at success», «Managed introduction of change»
Consulting company «Central Asian Office of Management and Consulting» (www.caomic.kz)
State program «Advanced training of managing employees in economic sphere»
The International Society of advanced training and development «InWEnt» (www.inwent.de), Bonn, Germany
«Organizational problems resolution and diagnosis»
Consulting company «Central Asian Office of Management and Consulting» (www.caomic.kz)
«The development of sales system and a money back»
Consulting company «Business-Harmony» (www.kpd.ua)
Course «English»
The Anglo-Kazakh Center (www.akc.kz), Level: Upper-Intermediate
«Sales. School of the Tiger»
Consulting company «Business Solution International» (www.solutions2b.com)

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения