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Male, 41 year, born on 30 January 1984

Not looking for a job

Moscow, metro station Kuntsevskaya, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Israel, India, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Latvia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Monaco, Moscow, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Primorsky Krai, USA, Singapore, Turkey, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Japan), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Business-System analyst | Researcher |Business development manager|Product manager|Project manager

3 200 $ in hand

  • Analyst
  • Product manager
  • Science specialist, researcher
  • Project manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 21 year 11 months

March 2022currently
3 years 1 month

Moscow, www.bftcom.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior analyst
The government portal “Work in Russia” (trudvsem.ru) for job searching, internships and receiving services from employment centers is one of the company projects. On this project I worked on the development of a recommendation system for searching vacancies and resumes, emailing recommendations, a technical support chat, intersystem integrations (data set, API), project documentation for the government contracts, refactoring micro service architecture, an investigation of systemic causes of incidents. I developed and agreed on concepts, requirements, entities and a data model for them, processes, user interfaces, API service specifications, project plan, SQL and control data set for development and testing, tasks for performers, contract price estimates, test scenarios, documentation (BRD, analytical report, technical specifications), and I conducted debugging, presentation and training.
January 2016March 2022
6 years 3 months

Moscow, www.sonarpro.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

R&D specialist | Business-System analyst | Project manager | Strategist (Futurologist)
Public Address + Voice Alarm + Background Music in Shopping Malls, Transport hubs and facilities, Airports, Business areas, Production plants, city mixed use spaces, are the important components of a life style & quality delivering and are used by the government and business to managing people behavior during emergencies and value making scenarios according to the object business model. The design of PA+VA+BGM system reflects multi-player interests: developer, integrator, constructor, licensing & standard experts, government, solution vendor, object operators, … SONAR is a vendor for Public Address + Voice Alarm + Background Music system. SONAR team researches and develops product platform, project argumentation and business processes for the RUBEZH.ru holding company to meet such multi-player projects as the end equipment manufacturer and supplier for PA+VA+BGM system (see catalog https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-fKqEkJZwj2gxtNndZN1nA6dEOS32Rs6). During 6 years the product range has been evolved from OEM to made in Russia, versified (segmented) and supported by competencies and critical operations for lead conversion. My roles and responsibilities in the team: • business analysis & low code Parallel R&D for different product aspects by specialists of separated contexts requites compatible interfaces (API) and object encapsulation. Having these features the product can be developing by user societies. — I convert ideas and business hypotheses in analytical thesis sets, then develop contexts suited for modeling business phenomena via define entities and operations (BPMN), and object sets with methods (UML). I develop business requirement documents (BRD) and internal standarts. • project management To get matured terms of reference for R&D starting is impossible under circumstances of dynamic competition during year-period and financing from a few certain leads. Thus, (1) an initial product vision defines crucial decisions on product architecture and abilities of relationships for the next work periods, and (2) an ability of team member having only an idea set to offer the results resisted in different evaluations becomes crucial in competences. — I represented projects for their launch through a set of standard results, accepted on the market and achievable with a guaranteed technology by labor hours of competencies presented on the market. • customer insights Hotel operators, Retail, National Railway monopoly, Mixed use space developers, Integrators, … Each player evolves its specific business categories and decision-making structure. — How the company can play a proactive vendor role offering product as business model opportunity beyond typical Fire protection, PA VA, CCTV, IoT, PSIM, adoptive GUI, ect.? — I research such leading technology perspectives. • business intelligence — I offer terms and frameworks to express quality expectation from brief into terms of reference, to convert business ideas and hypotheses into project planning, business insight measurable expression, represent name space and rules, design and develop OLAP dimensions and hierarchies. • business digitization The rules in the company BPM object model, data base name space, versioning, synchronization, business model language define networking agility, redundancy, ability to understand and scaling limits. — I research, develop, offer, and argue the rule kits for the company digitization policy. The same is for company BIM policy, product models in Revit and Nano CAD, data verification, BIM practice influencing on new product platform under R&D, system design algorithm. • best practices & standards Firmware update may change the functionality of a product already purchased. Is it to be on sale? What FW update policy is suit for the company? Visual languages became crucial for communication of Stockholders, R&D specialists, system designers and other users. — Is there some suit visual notation and APIs, XOR ones should be a part or R&D result? How to adopt original instruments for BIM design in Autodesk Revit for NON construction systems modeling? What SW for BPM+ECM+CRM suits for R&D of object models and business processes for the new product platform under R&D? — I review an initial roadmap in complex questions via delivering best practices, industry leader insights, standards, authorities, and structuring knowledge base. • strategy and product vision How the competitive product will look like after 1.5, 3 and 5 years? What financial and purchase funnel model will be accepted? How to use crosses of IoT, business digitization, AI, BIM, HardWare economy, end user MindSets, key player plans? — I add futurology frameworks to ensure the R&D decisions will meet the future perspectives. The team relationships based on agile, technology leading and proactive learning. Technologies for the Team Tech Stack (as well as other competencies and vendors) are adapted according demand development of the team.
October 2003January 2022
18 years 4 months
PhD: Algorithm for automation theorems reasoning (universal prover)

Moscow, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_reasoning

Educational Institutions... Show more

Research developer
To increase of work effectiveness, systematization of best practices and protocols, sharing business and expert insights, standardization, trend analysis, categorization, training of new team members, production planning and decision-making under changing business conditions, professional uses intellectual tools of knowledge management. Each PC application as MS-project, ERP, CRM, AutoCad, MathCad, etc., is developed under this ideology. As very promising example of such systems the Thomson Reuters is building now an interactive operation system of drug design engineering for pharm (www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibfrzjb_fB0). Modern trend in knowledge management is development of engineering process of thinking. The best results in building up of such systems now are achieved in theorem prover design in mathematic (www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_reasoning). The aim of the project is to build universal prover. Application area includes SAP app, decision-making, automation of making business process, cognitive agent architecture development, etc. Achievements: 1. convenient formalism/language for building up an universal theorem prover 2. formalized equations for finding proves as solutions 3. strategy for building resolving method for the equations
June 2015August 2016
1 year 3 months
Clean Market Group

Moscow, www.cleanpr.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Business development manager
Project: Launch of innovative itram products for the fight against biofilms on the Russian market. Introduction: Once microorganisms attach to surfaces their form multilayer communities called microbial biofilms that protect them. The existing standards, solutions, practices, and business relationships in the market have evolved in the absence of industrial methods and competencies to deal with biofilms. These innovative solutions (in terms of price, time, efficiency and availability) can be rapidly adapted by the market. The presence of such solutions in the company's portfolio gives access for its full range proposals to the attention of the largest customers and the largest competitors. Responsibilities and functions: 1. localization of information and refinement of products for local practices and standards 2. providing access to the attention of key persons of companies in Russia who make decisions on the development of technology, quality and implementation of changes - Danone, Coca-Cola, Auchan, etc. 3. promotion and lead generation: holding thematic conferences, training, production tests 4. sales by projects and tenders 5. scientific support, certification Achievements: 1. awareness of the company's innovative solutions by key persons on Russian market, — technology, implementation, and quality in FMCG, HoReCa, standardization and test methods 2. access of the company to purchases that were not previously available in terms of level and technology 3. reference list of applications 4. leads and sales
April 2013November 2014
1 year 8 months
HFD house™ (Graton-GC LLC)

Moscow, www.hfdhouse.ru

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Machine sales manager | Project manager | Development manager | Head of department (machine, production line)
The official distributor and service support center of glass processing technology of Neptun, Pujol, Gemata, MuchColours, Denver, Triulzi The company specializes in supply of high quality European equipment, consumable materials, accessories and service support of glass processing technology: lamination, bending, fusing, chemical tempering, roller coating, transfer digital images, CNC vertical and horizontal centers, automated lines, activation of the glass surface. The distribution market of modern equipment, consumable materials and accessories for glass product companies to meet current level of production capability is far from saturation. Growing competition on CIS with customization trend of order flows leads to requirements of (1) lability of production capabilities, (2) localization of production facilities, (3) money funds to be available. Thus, an offer of such integrated solution as reliable high-quality machines for high-margin glass processing + detailed contract condition including trade-in + logistic of consumable materials + fully centralized online production technological support, including R&D and knowledge management seems promising. Responsibilities and functions: 1. proactive B2B sales on expert level 2. to be sales project B2B interface — from initiating primary client interest to after sale support 3. negotiations at different levels 4. management of competencies and valencies of company team members and partners to meet current project requirements 5. production modeling, technical-economic calculation, risk management 6. tender work 7. organization and work at professional events: exhibitions (Vitrum. GlassExpo, GLASSTEC, World of Glass, MosBuild, Mebel, etc.), business partner open days, DEMO, business trips, ect. 8. to be market insider 9. selection of machine configurations and contract conditions 10. pricing 11. creation and automation of intra and inter business processes and protocols 12. sales project tracking 13. formation of long-term relationships with clients 14. investigation on client complaints 15. knowledge management and development of tools for team work : corporate database optimization, CRM management, creating sales and technical manual, systematization of intra and inter information flows, systematization of best practices and solutions, localization of materials from partners, development, launch and validation of corporate standards to meet needs of company business model 16. developing sales tools: detailed quotations, presentations, modeling, contract conditions, DEMO, ect. 17. marketing: region marketing, marketing materials, trend marketing, publications in specialized journals, corporative announcements, formation of corporate identity, company website www.hfdhouse.ru 18. training and control of sales manager assistants 19. information localization and training 20. promotion of technologies: chemical quenching, decoration, surface activation, etc. Achievements: 1. new sales contract relationships 2. integrated processing data base to work with clients 3. system of sales tools: common processing database, primitives to generate information exchange as quotation and marketing materials, calculation model for technical-economic business estimations, corporate standards, system of actual information exchange between company and partner team members 4. the knowledge base I created for clients allowed me to maintain about 300 leads in parallel, to make a history of client interest development and decisions, to test and to generate business hypotheses
October 2011November 2012
1 year 2 months
STM aroma Givaudan LLC

Moscow, www.stmaroma.ruhttp://www.givaudan.com

Food Products... Show more

Sales manager | Business branch development manager | Marketer (drink ingredients flavours)
The company is full fill application center of flavours and ingredients of Givaudan AG for drink production companies. Because of the taste of product, first of all, determines love and preference choice of customers to food products, flavor company is the final interface between ingredients supplying companies and food FMCG producing company, the last acting as an investor. To offer ready to launch B2B food FMCG product solutions for client the company team proactively makes NPD and centralized R&D, trend and local marketing, positioning, taste lineup, risk management, development and optimization of ingredients, certification, packaging and market entry strategy. Competitive advantages: - high quality flavors - partnership development culture and full R&D support of the world market leader Givaudan AG - co-work with team of well-known specialists and experts - full service - ready to launch B2B solutions for food FMCG producing companies of any levels - flexible logistics and pricing Critical circumstances for company business: - easy to launch a new food FMCG product with client rather than try to work with launched brand - ready B2B solutions with client risk minimization win - to create client feeling and confidence of “What market will want next?” is the best way to motivate client Responsibilities and functions: Direction “launching new business activities: market of dairy, functional and high alcohol drink” 1. markets study, estimation of business opportunities, strategy 2. to build relationships with new clients 3. to be market insider 4. NPD managing 5. marketing: region marketing, marketing materials, trend marketing, corporative announcements, formation of corporate identity, company website 6. presentation and degustation of ready B2B solutions: juice drinks, new functional milkshakes, soft European taste energetics, milkshakes in a small package with rich taste palette for HoReCa, coffee drinks, flavored wine cocktails, ect. 7. project and client partnership tracking Direction ”key account manager” 1. proactive B2B sales 2. to build relationships with new clients 3. negotiations at different levels 4. organization and work at professional events: exhibitions (Sial, ProdExpo, Ingredients), presentation and degustation of company solution for clients, business trips, ect. 5. pricing 6. searching and screening of supplier to be in collaboration for projects 7. project and client partnership tracking Direction “corporative standards, B2B PR” 1. company mission 2. launch company website 3. development, launch and validation of corporate standards 4. development of tools for B2B PR 5. systematization of solutions and best practices and automation of intra business processes Direction “marketing ready B2B solutions, market monitoring, business insight” 1. localization of studies of Nielson, EuroMonitor, Mintel, RosStat, ect. 2. building current marketing data exchange from clients 3. development of relevant arguments for client about companies offers 4. systematization of market leader insights 5. project tracking Achievements: 1. new projects with Tatspirtpron JSC, COMOS-Group, etc. 2. integrated processing data base to work with clients 3. sales tools, systemizing presentation of ready B2B solutions, business insights, actual marketing, beverage product database management
November 2010May 2011
7 months
Istra-Nutricia baby food (Danone) JSC

Istra (Moscow region), www.nutricia.ru

Food Products... Show more

Quality Assurance specialist
The aim of the project is to localize on the factory a method of analysis of ochratoxin A in raw materials and products. Critical circumstance of project: - processing protocol has to implicate overcoming maximum possible problems Responsibilities and functions: 1. installation of HPLC chromatograph Agilent 1200 2. localization, verification of accuracy, evaluation of precision, repeatability and precision of method of determination of ochratoxin A 3. comprehensive (systemic, fundamental, technical and scientific) argumentation and implementing of best practices into production processes 4. organization of the workplace 5. development of a training system for chemical laboratory staff at the level of understanding and skill to apply critical knowledge to further improvements 6. training staff 7. validation and optimization ochratoxin A analysis protocol 8. to make analysis Achievements: 1. localized and optimized protocol of ochratoxin A analysis: (1) increased precision nano-analysis (5-7% instead of the usual 10-20%), (2) system of planning analyses for operators (SAP), (3) opened critical recommendations for best practices 2. new protocols and standards convenient with ISO and HACCP ideology 3. improvement of protocols of work with production raw materials
August 2008February 2011
2 years 7 months
A.N. Bakh Institute of Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, www.inbi.ras.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

Fulfill of The younger scientific employee
Project: Hem containing enzyme study in vivo Description: - optimization of production of hem containing enzyme by gene modified E. coli stains Achievements: - new online method for study in vivo of hem containing enzyme production - optimized condition of production - scientific publications
October 2008February 2009
5 months
Acrus Chem LLC

Moscow, www.acrus.ru

Chemical Production, Fertilizers... Show more

Sales manager | Product manager (Life Science)
The official distributor of ACROS, Thermo Fisher scientific, Bioer, IKA, Supelco, ect. Russian market leader in supplying scientific, industrial and medical organizations by equipment, consumables, accessories, chemical and biochemical (Life Science) reagents. The company's mission is to be a partner in solving customer problems. Strategy: - Proactive informing clients about new developments and solutions of company’s partners - Localization of products to meet the specific needs of the clients - Negotiations at the level of practicing professionals - Flexible logistics and pricing Responsibilities and functions: 1. proactive B2B sales 2. identify of the needs and problems of clients to generate offers 3. business trips, participation in specialized events, preparation and localization of marketing materials 4. search for new and maintaining long-term relationships with company’s clients 5. work with tenders 6. tracking client interests to optimize future orders 7. formation processing database 8. creation of a catalog and sales / technical manuals Achievements: 1. in the first 2 months provided 60% of the profits of Life Science department 2. system of forecast of client needs to optimize supply 3. 80% of the work on meetings with clients 4. company's reputation among customers
September 2006June 2008
1 year 10 months
G.K. Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of Russian Academy of Sciences

Pushchino (Moscow region), www.ibpm.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

The senior laboratorial-researcher
Project: Enzymatic transformation of lignosulphonate to vanillin: optimization of reaction conditions Description: - fungi producer screening - enzyme purification - kinetic characterization study Achievements: - laccase one isoform fungus is found out - enzyme purification and characterization - benzene stable laccase - interphase benzene-water vanillin production from lignosulphonate - scientific publications
May 2003March 2006
2 years 11 months
Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural branch

Perm, www.iegm.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

The laboratorial-researcher
Project: Biotechnology of Vanillin production from wastes of Pulp and paper industry by Ligninolitic enzymes of Wood rooting Fungi Description: - technology of specific wood utilization as renewable source of hydrocarbons - utilization of large scale wastes of Pulp and paper industry - ecofriendly biotechnology of vanillin production with eatable mushroom biomass coproduction Achievements: - vanillin yield 3 times more than traditional technology - perspective fungal species characterization - algorithm for technical and economic calculation of production plant - find out that plant with vanillin production volume of 400 tons per year with 10 years payback period is an optimal solution - scientific publications


Skill proficiency levels
Project management
Knowledge Management
Sales Management
CNC machine
Mathematical Modeling
MS Project
B2B Marketing
Food safaty
Research And Development
Quality Management
Life science
Business Analysis
Business intelligence
Olap (online analytical processing)
Business requirement document

About me

I developed my competencies from science (biotech, modeling) to commercial projects (development, launch), product vision (futurologist, business intelligence), converting business hypotheses into product architecture requirements (roles, processes, software, integrations, documentation), project management (resources, orchestration). I’m well at the project start, when there is a lot of uncertainty (insights, business-hypothesis, SWOT, agent relationships and roles, milestones), and in mature project stage when various dependencies are in focus (modeling, making algorithm, data quality, staging). Now I am interested in software development and digitalization job projects in areas: SW for government, biotech, chat, intelligent agent app. ESTJ-A Competences Projecting, agile R&D, modelling, business intelligence, BPM, business estimation, validation, BIM policy, production planning, human resource management, system design, machine learning, automated reasoning. Platforms PostgreSQL, Cassandra, S3, DBeaver, Postman, Camunda, Jira, Confluence, Graylog, EMA BPM, Bitrix24, Revit, Origin, AutoCad, Nano CAD, Visio, Project, Teams, C++, MathCad ect. Skills Agile R&D, API, UML and BPMN notation, BRD, OLAP, SWOT and risk management, production modeling, CNC machine, production line organization, GMP, ISO, HACCP, human resource management, training, etc.


Higher education (master)

A.N. Bakh Institute of Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences
Biochemistry, Ph.D. in Biochemistry
The Pushchino State University
Microbiology, virology and biotechnology, The master of microbiology and virology
The Perm state technical university
Technological chemistry, The engineer of biotechnologist
The Perm state technical university
The natural-scientific college, The bachelor of chemical technology and biotechnology



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

The CRDF RUB2-010001-PU-05 project
The Pushchino State University, Center for ecology research and bioresources development, 1. Biosafety and antibioterrorism 2. The latest achievements of biomedicine 3. Remediation and the environment protection
The fundamentals of R&D commercialization
FASIE Russia, Russian State University for Innovation Technologies and Business, R&D commercialization

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter