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Female, 41 year, born on 11 August 1983

Moscow, metro station Aeroport, willing to relocate (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Portugal, USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, Japan), not prepared for business trips


60 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 20 years 4 months

December 2004currently
20 years 4 months
Podzemgazprom Lmt.
senior staff scientist
-Defence PhD work on a topic "Capacity-filtrational properties changing due to cyclic exploitation of Underground Gas Storages in porous reservoirs" -Stability analysis for Undergroung Gas Storages (UGS) and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Storages, modeling processes of there construction and exploitation using own (Podzemgazproms) programs and Simulia/Abaqus (from Dassault Systemes). In this works I work in team and have some own chapters. -Experimental reseach in laboratory: experimental set up, its realization, data analysis and computing (using Statistica, Curve Expert and outher math. softwares). Such works were made for Belarus, Volgograd and Orenburg UGS and represented in technical papers. In this works I am in role of coordinator and principal investigator). -Formatting and final editing such papers as RSW (Research Scientific Work), Recommendations for Gazprom (or for all Underground Gas Storages sector) and Proprietary Standards and Norms (for Gazprom and for Underground Gas Storages sector). Active work in team, own chapters. -Fields works (geotechnical, gidrogeological and geodesic survey) and office analysis received data. -Creating different maps using ArcGis

About me

- Stability analysis for Underground Gas Storages (UGS) and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Storages, modeling processes of there construction and exploitation using own program and Simulia/Abaqus (from Dassault Systemes). - Experimental research in laboratory: experimental setup coordination, its realization, data analysis and computing (using Statistica, Curve Expert and other math. software). Such works were made for Belarus, Volgograd and Orenburg UGS. - Formatting and final editing such papers as RSW (Research Scientific Work), Recommendations for Gazprom and Proprietary Standards and Norms (for Gazprom and for Underground Gas Storages sector). - Fields works (geotechnical, gidrogeological and geodesic survey) and office analysis received data including geo-environmental mapping using ArcGis. - Computer skills: Microsoft Office (Excel-advanced), Power Point, Photoshop, Corel Draw. Special sofrware: Statistica, Simulia/Abaqus, Surfer, Arc Map, AutoCad Map. Ready for relocation, field trips and trainings. Interested in new work experience and gain new skills. Good in work with a team and in own projects. Excellent communication, analytical and organisation capabilities. Hobbies: travelling, volleyball, snowboarding, kite surfing, wake boarding, badminton, horse riding. There is not any medical contra indications. Foreign passport and driver's license are OK.

Higher education (PhD)

Lomonosov Moscow State University
geology department/geologist, master
Lomonosov Moscow State University
geology department/engineering and ecological geology, PhD (candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences)
Lomonosov Moscow State University
geology department/engineering and ecological geology, bachalor



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

SpanishA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Professional work in Photoshop CS3 Extended
Qualification Upgrading Institute of Gazprom-JS (http://www.edugaz.ru), certificate
Basic operation with Abaqus
Tesis Lmt (http://www.tesis.com.ru), certificate
Geo information system creation using Auto Cad Map
Qualification Upgrading Institute of Gazprom-JS (http://www.edugaz.ru), certificate
Ecological expertise, auditing, laws of environmental management under standard ISO 14001
Gubkin Russion State University of Oil and Gas (http://www.gubkin.ru), certificate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour