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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 34 years, born on 11 June 1990

Not looking for a job

Saint Petersburg, willing to relocate (Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, USA, Serbia, Tomsk, France, Czech Republic, Sweden), prepared for business trips

DevOps Engineer

5 500  in hand

  • Programmer, developer
  • System administrator
  • System engineer

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 20 years 1 month

January 2024currently
1 year 4 months
Epitome AB at Volvo Cars

Sweden, www.volvocars.com

DevOps Engineer
Internal tools, infrastructure automation.
June 2021January 2024
2 years 8 months
Grid Dynamics d.o.o at AEO

Serbia, www.griddynamics.com/

DevOps Engineer
We are currently support production infrastructure, including rolling updates, incident management and various kinds of support. The entire production system is being improved day by day with the help of our team. I'm responsible for recurrent procedures, continuous integration and continuous delivery for internal and public web applications. Also in my responsibilities included intra-team support with specified service level agreements. Technologies: linux, weblogic, gcp, jenkins, bamboo, terraform, ansible, packer, gke, argocd, atlassian, python
July 2020June 2021
1 year
Undisclosed Company

Saint Petersburg

DevOps Engineer
Heavily NDAed
November 2018April 2020
1 year 6 months
Grid Dynamics

Saint Petersburg, www.griddynamics.com

DevOps Engineer
The team was maintaining multiple long-term projects. The products are intermediate components that are essential for other teams in order to use cloud infrastructure and comply with various corporate policies. Work includes maintaining existing components, developing new features and supporting other teams. I've been responsible for integrating new tools and modules with existing CI/CD process, developing and maintaining Jeknins Groovy shared libraries and pipelines, upgrading outdated components. Technologies: 
 linux, redhat, rhel, python, bash, gcp, jenkins, groovy, terraform, ansible, allure, mysql, vmware, vsphere, openshift, packer, pytest
March 2015November 2018
3 years 9 months
Fides LLC

Saint Petersburg

DevOps Engineer
The employer has a medium sized infrastructure, distributed and redundant. Certain services and components have existed for many years and the environment never changed. This kind of infrastructure requires a lot of attention. Developing and introducing new features and services requires an extra effort to keep existing components up and running. I've been responsible for supporting servers with processes of domain name registrars, exploring undocumented legacy processes and then maintaining them, improving infrastructure and various software components. Technologies: 
 CentOS Linux, KVM, LXC, Bash, Python, Go, Perl, Puppet, Jenkins, Grafana, Icinga, Nagios nginx, LUA, Bacula, LDAP, MySQL, PowerDNS, Supermicro, Adaptec, 3com, HP, Verisign, Afilias, EPP, OT&E, Net::DRI, VNDS, TLD
March 2014February 2015
1 year
iTerraPlus LLC

Tomsk, iterraplus.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Outsource company with its own product in the telematic services field. As a start-up didn’t have any kind of organised infrastructure at the beginning, but has been growing over the years and ended up having a distributed private infrastructure with various environments. I have been responsible for organising work process of the IT department, writing technical specifications for projects, communication with the clients, team leading. Technologies: 
 CentOS/RHEL Linux, KVM, ESXi, LXC, Bash, Python, Django, Jenkins, Fabric, Puppet, Git, Asterisk, Postfix, dovecot, OpenLDAP
April 2008May 2014
6 years 2 months
Offroute.ru ISP

Tomsk, offroute.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

System Administrator, Python Developer
Being a start-up, the company has grown from one server at one location serving only several private clients to multiple networks and distributed infrastructure with both private and business clients. As an internet service provider, the company had to comply with the law and maintain extra components required by the government. I've been responsible for designing, supporting, scaling network and servers infrastructure, incorporating new functions the service could provide, technical leading. Technologies: 
 Linux, FreeBSD, python, bash, perl, php, poptop, accel-pptp, mpd5, dnsmasq, bind, powerdns, vsftpd, ftfpd, ntpd, apache, nginx, vsftpd, mysql, postfix, dovecot, dbmail, cisco, dlink, 3com, hp, mikrotik, asterisk, Kamailio, OpenLDAP, freeradius
January 2010January 2013
3 years 1 month
VDOM Box International

Tomsk, www.vdom-box-international.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

System Administrator, Python Developer
An international company had been developing an application server working on VDOM Technology. Several production ready business applications were available as on-premise solutions and needed to be adapted for cloud. I've been responsible for supporting, expanding, improving existing infrastructure, building VMWare and KVM based hypervisor clusters, developing and maintaining a backup system for VDOM applications. Technologies: 
 CentOS, RHEL, TinyCore Linux, VMware ESXi, KVM, named, dhcp, vsftpd, python, bash, perl, VDOM
February 2008July 2008
6 months
State school #12


Government Organizations... Show more

System Administrator
A small infrastructure of a federal nature reserve has been evolving from four workstations with no internet access to dozens of workstations and multiple servers providing access to internal applications. Constant growth led to mixed infrastructure with components from late 90s through current times which required some extra work to keep everything working together. I've been responsible for supporting Windows based workstations, AD service, and FreeBSD based router/gateway. Technologies: 
 Windows 98/2000/XP, FreeBSD, squid, ipfw
August 2004July 2007
3 years
Federal Nature Reserve «Khakassky»

Abakan, zapovednik-khakassky.ru

Government Organizations... Show more

System Administrator
I was a regular sysadmin. There were: - 15 workstation with Windows 98/2000/XP - Windows 2000 Server - FreeBSD based gateway Although, in the beginning there were only 3 interconnected PCs in a bookkeeping department. Step by step I upgraded the IT infrastructure. I was also responsible for backups, user support and basic computer repairing.


Skill proficiency levels
Basic level
Level not specified
Django Framework
Red Hat

About me

I've got strong skills in system administrating, networks and DevOps. Also I like to create something on Python, bash or Go. The most preferred field in software development for me is something close to servers: DevOps or coding. I easily work alone. But I also can work as a part of a team and I can be a leader as well as a regular member. Everything depends on the project's needs. Some part of my free time I spend on my own small projects. It's is a good way to keep myself up to date with all the new technologies.

Incomplete higher education

Faculty of Innovations, Applied Informatics



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter