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Мужчина, 41 год, родился 15 февраля 1984

Не ищет работу

Минск, готов к переезду (Австрия), готов к командировкам

Java Developer

3 200 $ на руки

  • Программист, разработчик

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 23 года

Август 2015по настоящее время
9 лет 8 месяцев

Минск, belarus.iba.by/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Maintenance and Enhancement of the next projects and applications: Entitled Systems Support (ESS), Features on Demand (FoD), Storage Encryption, IP-protection, Inventory, IBM Digital Market. Development of the TPM Certificates for Power9 machines application. Development: · TPM Certificates for IBM Power9 machines application · Entitled Systems Support (ESS) (development new functions for the Hybrid Cloud; development new functions for the ePools 2.0: Start a new Pool, Add credits to existing codes, Digital Capacity for internal usage; development new functions for the Codes-on-Demand initiative (Digital Market): Purchase new Elastic days, Generate new Elastic codes, View and Download existing codes; development Inventory functions) Enhancement: · Storage Encryption application: new features, refactoring code · Entitled Systems Support (ESS): web-application redesign accordingly with the current corporate style, refactoring and upgrading code · Macro and Micro design, coding · Reviewing the design, code, and test results logs · Planning and moving to Production modified versions of software Support and maintenance: · Features on Demand (FoD). Support FoD application as a part of the business migration to Lenovo. · Testing, problem analysis and fixing Other: · Production and integration new product components · Training new colleagues Environment: Java and frameworks: Java 1.4/6-8 (IBM SDK), Java 11, Java EE 7-8 (incl. EJB 3), Jakarta 9, Spring/Spring Boot, IBM WebSphere MQ, IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5, Maven Database: IBM DB2 Microservices: REST microservices (IBM WebSphere Liberty / Microprofile, Docker / Podman) Testing: JUnit 4, Selenium Others: IBM Cloud (ex. IBM Softlayer and IBM Bluemix), Jenkins, REXX, mainframe environment (z/OS, Unix on mainframe, DB2 database) Front End: Angular (TypeScript), IBM Carbon design, Node.Js, JSP (Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS, Ajax)
Апрель 2011Август 2015
4 года 5 месяцев

Беларусь, beltelecom.by/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Project: Automatic process-control systems (APCS). Responsibilities: Full stack development, bug fix, support. Development of Automatic process-control systems (APCS) that accumulate information about all equipment of telephone network of Belarus and information about clients of Beltelecom. Some functions were ported from Informix 4GL project. Environment: Java SE 6/7, Apache Tomcat, Spring, Apache Struts 1.3, Servlets, JSP, EL (expression language), JSTL, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, SQL, Log4J, SVN, Jira
Апрель 2005Апрель 2011
6 лет 1 месяц

Беларусь, beltelecom.by/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Project: Automatic process-control systems (APCS). Responsibilities: Full stack development, bug fix, support. Automatic process-control systems (APCS) that accumulate information about all faults of equipment (cables, boxes, telephone, automatic station etc.) on the network. Environment: Delphi 7, Borland Database Engine, ODBC, SQL, Informix Dynamic Server
Апрель 2002Апрель 2005
3 года 1 месяц

Беларусь, beltelecom.by/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Project: Automatic process-control systems (APCS). Responsibilities: Full stack development, bug fix, support. Automatic process-control systems (APCS) that accumulate information about all equipment of telephone network of Belarus and all information about clients of Beltelecom. Environment: SCO Unix, Informix Dynamic Server, Informix 4GL, SQL


Уровни владения навыками
Atlassian Jira
Spring Framework
Английский язык
Немецкий язык
Apache Maven
Java EE
Spring Boot
Hibernate ORM
Java Servlets

Обо мне

Badges: ✔ https://www.credly.com/users/siarhei-pershyn/badges Java certificates: ✔ Java SE 8 Programmer I 1Z0-808: Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer on November 13, 2018 ✔ Java SE 8 Programmer II 1Z0-809: Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer on April 30, 2019 Awards: ✔ Certificate IBM Outstanding Performance Award signed by Rodolfo Linhares (Config to Order and LA CIO Services), 2018 ✔ My implemented solution of the Elastic Capacity on-Demand has received Bronze Stevie Award 2020 trophy in nomination "Sales Turnaround of the Year" for driving Simplicity and Speed in Infrastructure Capacity Provisioning. Others/courses: ✔ Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition), Udemy ✔ Goethe Institute German language course A1 level (Russia, 2021-2022) ✔ Containers & Kubernetes Essentials, IBM, 2021 ✔ Docker Essentials: A Developer Introduction, IBM, 2021 ✔ BigSoft, Java EE course (Hibernate and Spring frameworks), (Belarus, Minsk, 2015) ✔ Streamline English language courses (Belarus, Minsk, 2014-2017) Overall: ✔ 20+ years of experience for software development and support, including development for several platforms, problem resolution and testing ✔ 11+ years of experience for software development and support Java SE applications and Java EE/Spring web applications. ✔ 6+ years of experience in the project for software development and support of IBM’s Entitled Systems Support. ✔ Analysis of customer documents: dumps, traces, job logs, system logs etc. ✔ Preparing presentations ✔ Experience in getting full product responsibility for the new project ✔ Experience in introduction and training of newcomer into the team ✔ Good experience in communication with customers, QA team ✔ High-level of responsibility and dedication, quick learner

Высшее образование

Факультет телекоммуникаций, Инженер по телекоммуникациям

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

НемецкийA2 — Элементарный

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Беларусь

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения