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Мужчина, 47 лет, родился 16 июня 1977

Не ищет работу

Москва, м. Выхино, хочу переехать (Австралия, Австрия, Германия, Ирландия, Финляндия), готов к редким командировкам

QA Software Engineer

  • Тестировщик

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 26 лет 4 месяца

Март 2020по настоящее время
5 лет 1 месяц
Head of the Engineering Data Management department.
Implementation, technical support, training of users of the AVEVA products. Development of a conceptual model of engineering data; development of the architecture of enterprise information systems; development of BEP, EIR.
Февраль 2019Март 2020
1 год 2 месяца
Expert of the Project Data Integrity Control Department. LLC
Technical support, user training and implementation of the AVEVA ProCon product.
Октябрь 2017Февраль 2019
1 год 5 месяцев
JSC Giprokislorod


Chief specialist
Technical support, implementation and development systems of 3D design system and documentation production based on HEXAGON SMART 3D.
Ноябрь 2013Октябрь 2017
4 года

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Principal specialist
Technical support, implementation and development systems of 3D design system and documentation production based on AVEVA PDMS. Organisation of data exchange between AVEVA PDMS and Autodesk Revit models. Creation og digital asset based on data from AVEVA DESIGN 12.0, AVEVA DIAGRAMS 12.0, Autodesk REVIT, Autodesk AutoCAD and resulting model on Autodesk NAVISWORKS. From November 2013 to present I have developed of implementation AVEVA PDMS 'from scratch': - developed piping components coding and made catalogues and specifications for Oil refinery and Offshore projects; - organised PDMS projects with roles and scopes for any users; - developed procedures and rules of user working for PDMS projects on DESIGN, DIAGRAMS, DRAFT modules; - developed night processes for everyday model export to NAVISWORKS model; - developed reporting procedures allowing get information about daily work of any user; - an experience of laser scanning for project of reconstruction oil refinery; - developed a lot of programs for AVEVA PDMS on PML and VB.NET for all projects tasks.
Декабрь 2008Ноябрь 2013
5 лет
technical specialist
Technical support, consulting, implementation of AVEVA PDMS.
Сентябрь 2005Июнь 2007
1 год 10 месяцев
Softline Trade
CAD-specialist, trainer, Technical support
Development of curriculum Autodesk’s MSD program (AutoCAD, Inventor). Users teaching, technical support, preparation of presentations about new program products, study of new possibilities CAD/CAM/CAE systems.
Январь 2002Сентябрь 2005
3 года 9 месяцев
State Enterprise "The Moscow Center of Fire Safety".
Engineer-designer, network administrator
I have done work with some systems of fire safety (developed a documentation, draws, calculated part; realized project with installation these systems). I was a creator of local network of State Enterprise "The Moscow Center of Fire Safety". Installation and support of local network of enterprise (50 workstations). Development of project documentation of fire safety systems (draws, calculated part).
Июль 1997Март 2004
6 лет 9 месяцев
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Chief laboratory of computer facilities of Instrument-making faculty of Bauman MSTU. Has created the local computer network of faculty, have made technical support of this network, have spent laboratory works.
Октябрь 2001Апрель 2002
7 месяцев
General Electrics Medical Systems
Design of documentation on medical technics in Russian and English. Performance of sites (accommodation of the equipment with a binding to district).
Август 2001Февраль 2002
7 месяцев
Akademik Kuznetsov Scientific Research Institute.
I have taken part in research work: " Measurement frequency-torque characteristics of spindle units". I have taken part in development of the software of this project.


Уровни владения навыками
Data Management
3D Моделирование

Обо мне

CAD: AVEVA E3D/PDMS, Hexagon SMART 3D Math MatLab, MathCad, Mathematica, Maple Presentation Power Point,Corel Draw Programming languages Visual Basic, Visual C, Delphi, Auto Lisp, C#, python, SQL Publications 1 research project, 3 conference publications, 2 scientific reports; 3 scientific articles Languages Native - Russian; foreign : English, German, French

Высшее образование (Кандидат наук)

Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Informatics and Control Systems faculty, Systems of orientation, stabilisation and navigation department. Master of Science. Dis, Master of Science
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Informatics and Control Systems faculty, Systems of orientation, stabilization and navigation department. The state diploma of e, Engineer-developper
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Informatics and Control Systems faculty, Systems of orientation, stabilization and navigation department. The state diploma of e, Engineer

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

НемецкийB1 — Средний

ФранцузскийA1 — Начальный

Повышение квалификации, курсы

the Faculty of the Military Training of Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Military rank of the lieutenant, speciality of 22.12.00" Systems of power supply "

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не более часа