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Male, 48 years, born on 31 January 1977

Not looking for a job

Minsk, willing to relocate (Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Poland), prepared for business trips

Sales Manager / Regional representative / Country manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 12 years 2 months

July 2005May 2016
10 years 11 months
OSRAM GmbH, Representative Office in Belarus

Minsk, www.osram.com

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

Director of Rep. Office
- Responsibility over operative activities of the Rep.Office (control and coordination). - Sales business development. - Development and implementation promo campaigns in coordination with Marketing department and their adapting to country peculiarity. - Pricing and budgeting. - Active acquisition and development the client base. - Building credibility and long-term relationships with the customers. - Training for sales teams of the distributors. - Planing and sales development in common with the distributors. Goal setting for distributors. - Sales and POSM negotiations with Key Retail, Direct Sales to the Retail and Sales via distributors. - B2B Sales. Acquisition new manufacturing companies. - Management of receivables. - Participation in exhibitions. Seminars and presentaions condacting. - Opening, registration and re-registration of the Rep.Office. - Product certification. - Rep. Office liquidation due to carve-out of the company. Achievements: - Operation organization of Rep.Office from scratch. Turnover growth by 4 times during the first 2 years of activity. - Building-up the effective distribution system in Belarus, Development of OEM business. - Turnover growth by 2,5 times from 2008 to 2014 (the biggest Market Share in Belarus).
September 2004April 2005
8 months

Minsk, www.hydro-connect.com

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Import procurement manager
- Equipment import from Europe. - Looking for the supliers, contract negotiations. - Preparation of the contract documentations. - Organization of delivery, coordination with carrier companies. - Document preparation for custom clearance.
February 2004September 2004
8 months
ZAO Alkar


Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

Deputy commercial director
Packaging sales to food and constraction industry: - Aquisition of new customers. - Contract negotiations, formation of contracts. - Packaging design harmonization with customers and orders placing for the manufacturing. - Target setting for the employees of sales department and controlling of their implementation.


Skill proficiency levels
Sales Management
Negotiation skills
Business Development
Sales Planning
Project management
Analytical skills
Sales Forecasting
Key Account Management
Strategy Development
Building up of distribution
B2B Sales
Sales to Retail
Organizing skills
Administrating Skills
Management of receivables

About me

Open-minded positive personality with stress tolerance, hands-on approach and high performance skills. Excellent communicating and interpersonal skills. Tendency to self-education and self-cultivation. Proven good sales and organizing results.

Higher education (bachelor)

Translation Faculty, Translation and Translation Studies



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

GermanC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Belarus

Permission to work: Belarus

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter